Timber Frame or Post and Beam?

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Timber frames are sometimes categorized as post and beam. Is there a difference? The short answer, especially according to timber framers, is yes. Not that we discount post & beam construction, but we know what it takes to craft a … Continued

American College of the Building Arts

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MoreSun is proud to employ interns and graduates of the timber framing program at the American College of the Building Arts. Located in Charleston, South Carolina, the ACBA is the only four-year liberal arts and sciences college in the US … Continued

Wood is good for your health!

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Do you know about wood benefits? Wood has positive impacts on your health and mental well being, whether you are outside in nature or inside your home or office. From improving your mood to lowering your stress level, wood elicits … Continued

Calyx Farms Wedding Chapel

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Calyx Farms is a breathtaking 100+ acres located in Oconee County, South Carolina along the Cherokee Foothills Scenic Highway. The open air timber frame wedding chapel is situated to maximize the spectacular views from the property. This timber frame structure … Continued

Floating Gazebo

posted in: Blog, Timber Frame Raisings | 0

Raising a timber framed gazebo on a floating dock in Alabama required math skills and equilibrium! The Cypress octagonal gazebo required some different layout. We cut the five-sided posts on our sawmill, along with the six-sided “boss pin.”Boss pin is … Continued

Before, During, After

posted in: Blog, Timber Frame Raisings | 0

From stacks of timbers, to raisings, to finished timber frames, here is a brief glimpse into some of our projects. Before, during & after.Watching a stack of timbers arrive in the shop is always an exciting moment. First comes layout. … Continued

Barn Raising

posted in: Barns, Blog | 0

Traditional timber frame barn raising for a client in IndianaThis timber frame barn raising project was a joint (pun intended) effort between MoreSun and another timber frame company.  Part of the frame was cut by one of our colleagues. We cut … Continued

Natural “Live Edge” Timbers

posted in: Blog, FAQs, Homes | 0

Including natural timbers, also called live edge timbers, in your timber frame adds visual interest. They emphasize the connection to the trees used to create it. When the timber comes right from your build site it’s even more special. Poplar … Continued

Homeowner Questions

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Building a house is an exciting, scary, satisfying and sometimes frustrating endeavor. The more you prepare in advance the more you can ensure an enjoyable process. Before even sitting down with a designer, an architect, a timber framer or a … Continued