MoreSun Custom Woodworking, Inc. was founded in 2002

Turning a timber in a timber frame with a timber wrench

Raising a timber frame - adjusting a post with a timber wrench to assist guiding a knee brace into place

It began as a simple one-man show when Stephen Morrison had a dream of creating beautiful custom woodwork and timber frames. From the beginning, he offered a variety of woodworking from cabinetry and furniture, in addition to timber framing. In the early days, Stephen mostly worked alone. He brought in other woodworkers and craftsmen when needed. As time went on and projects grew larger, Stephen hired skilled craftsmen to keep with demand. MoreSun timber framing and custom woodworking became a proud local business and employer.

The business has grown steadily and the scope of woodworking projects has ranged from simple utilitarian furnishings to high-end furniture and elaborate timber frame homes and other timber frame buildings. No matter how big or small a woodworking job is, MoreSun helps clients showcase their style.

Read what one of our happy clients had to say in this letter of recommendation.


MoreSun Timber Framing

Timber framing has become our primary line of work, though we do other kinds of woodworking when it presents itself. Most of our crew are long term and throughout the years we have really developed a robust team. Our clients recognize the strong integration of our crew and how it improves the quality of our work.

We love a good raising!

As timber framers, raisings are one of the best aspects of our job. 

The months of planning, designing and cutting all come together as the crew works to assemble the pieces of the timber frame and erect the building.

timber frame raising day

Timbers cut, pre-assembled and ready for raising

Industry Partners

We work closely with these companies and organizations:

Fire Tower Engineered Timber logo
Timber Frame HQ logo
American College of the Building Arts logo
Kurtis Miller Photography icon

ACBA interns and employees at MoreSun

Industry Involvement

Stephen represents MoreSun by being active within the local community and the international timber framing industry with his involvement:

Timber Framers Guild logo

Georgia Mountain Home Builders Association logo

Georgia Mountain Home Builders Association
of Directors

Heartwood School

Board of Directors

MoreSun involvement in TFG projects

Member Affiliations

We are active members
of these organizations:

Preservation Trades Network Org
Oconee Home Builders Assoc logo
National Home Builders Assoc. logo