Summer 2020 Timber Tidbits

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Summer has kept us busy in these still strange times. Between shop work and fairly local jobs we’ve been putting the new space and the sawmill to good use. So, here’s a look at what’s new ~The MoreSun Team Click … Continued

Antique Timbers – Character and Uniqueness

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Using antique timbers is a good way to add character and uniqueness in a newly constructed home. Combining these pieces of history with modern architecture gives a home a story, just waiting to be told. The visible axe strokes and … Continued

24 x 50 Barn Plans

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Introducing our 24 x 50 barn plans: This barn is designed to give you lots of options. The 1200 square foot ground level can be left wide open or divided into rooms or stalls. Whether you want to house animals, equipment, … Continued

Choosing a Finish for Your Timber Frame

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We are often asked for our recommendation on a finish for a timber frame. When choosing a finish for your timber frame, you should consider these points:First and foremost, do I want a finish applied?Is the finish nontoxic and environmentally … Continued

Spring 2020 Timber Tidbits

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Spring…..does the Grateful Dead lyric “What a long, strange trip it’s been” keep running through your head, or is it just me? We’ve been able to stay busy, widely spread out in our shop buildings, carefully venturing out, keeping everything … Continued

Fairbanks House – 1637 Timber Frame Home

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The Fairbanks House is the oldest still standing timber frame home in North America. Built in 1637, it was home to eight generations of the Fairbanks family. Located in Dedham, Massachusetts the Fairbanks House is now a museum,  and is … Continued