Stairs & Handrails Gallery

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Timber frame home open staircase

Often overlooked as a design element, but certainly essential to any building, are your interior and exterior staircases. Timber stairs & handrails can be built all sorts of ways to get you from floor to floor. The choice of wood and style of finish can make a dramatic impact, whether you want a rustic appearance or a sleek, polished look.

Your stairs can be open, to allow multi-story views, or closed, to create an enclosed separate space.

Wooden handrails can be paired with metal or wood pickets, in an unlimited variety of designs to create just the look and style you want.

Browse our gallery of selected timber stairs & handrails for ideas for your project!

MoreSun delivered a quality product that was competitively priced and a perfect complement to the evolving character of the house. In addition to the "showstopper" staircase to the loft, MoreSun built two beautiful banquet style tables, two fireplace mantels, wood brackets around the house to support the roof overhang and railing for the balcony and porches to match the rest of the timber frame.

Kendall & Derek 
Home Owners/Lake Burton, GA

Interior Stairs

stairs to tower room

Eastern white pine stairs wind through four levels

red oak stairs

Stairs crafted from red oak harvested on site

interior open staircase

Homeowner planned for the future with an elevator

stairs in restaurant

Restaurant face lift included new staircase

poplar - oak stairs

Poplar & stairs wrap around stone fireplace

multilevel stairs

Open stairs highlight views of the timber frame

mixed wood stairs

Stairs with mixed wood species and wedge tenons

thick slab treads

Thick stair treads

historic restoration stairs

Reclaimed heart pine treads

seven-foot wide stairs

Seven-foot wide custom stairs featuring through tenons

Exterior Stairs

cypress exterior porch stairs

Cypress deck, stairs & railings

front yard stairs

Two sets of steps lead to porch

Cypress exterior stair with landing

Cypress stairs with landing

timbered stairs
stairs and cable railings
stairs to garden shed

Length, width, size of treads, closed or open risers and choice of materials all combine to create the  style of your stairs.


loft railing wood-metal
barn loft railing
loft railing
iron railing - wood balusters

Interior railings, whether all wood or a combination of wood and metal, have different looks depending on the size of  the materials.

Seat Built into Hand Rail

Added function & fun

wood balusters with metal railings

Combined wood & metal

short handrail

Small handrail with style

curved railing prior to pickets

Curve adds interest (pickets next up)

Exterior railings can combine different materials, as well. Think about adding curves for additional interest.

There's no end to the possibilities for stairs and handrails.

Let's start planning yours!