Spring is finally here! (We know, because everything is covered in pollen.)
The new shop has made a big difference in our work lives, and came right when we needed more covered space.
Here's a look at what's new ~
The MoreSun Team
Click here to read our complete timber framing newsletter. Here's a sneak peek at some of the featured projects.

Months of shop work led up to the raising of The Village Green community event center. The SIPs are installed and the breezeway timber frame is the last piece for us.

This modest 544 square foot cabin in the woods was hand raised. It was a fun effort followed by a cook out. Installing the SIPs did require the use of a crane, but made fast work of it. See the full raising portfolio here.

Installing the donated timber frame playset, and starting work on a pavilion on an island in Connecticut are more stories you can find in the newsletter.
For the rest of these stories and more, click here to go to the full newsletter.