Ben Loveland designed this 20'x36' cross gable lakeside pavilion for a community on Lake Burton in Georgia. The generous two-foot plus overhangs help protect the pine timbers. Rough sawn tongue and groove ceiling decking completes the look of the pavilion's interior.
In the shop each individual timber is marked for lay out and labeled. We cut each piece, then put the frame's bents together for a test fit. If any adjustments are needed this is when it happens. The timbers are lightly sanded, the bents are dismantled and stacked, and ready to deliver to site.
Raisings are our favorite part of any project. Raising next to a beautiful lake on days with good weather are certainly a bonus! On this project we used our roustabout and a crane to assist with lifting timber.
Once we completed our part of the project the builder installed the metal roof and the timbers were oiled in a honey teak finish. It looks like a great spot to enjoy at the lake!

Lakeside Pavilion Raising

Preparing for the raising on site, we arrange the timbers in the order needed. The individual bents are assembled and stacked, with the first one to be raised on the top of the stack. Getting everything set just right makes the raising run smoother and faster. One MoreSun timber framer is in charge of communicating with the crane operator using hand signals. The bents are raised and set down onto hardware that we install on each prepared footer and pier. After a section of the frame is up and fits properly the pegs are pounded in to each predrilled hole. On this project masons had already completed the rock facings on the concrete piers.

Pavilions offer shade and protection from rain while allowing you to enjoy the outdoors. The variety of shapes, sizes, and design options are endless and can be built to suit your specific needs and wants.