The role of architect is critical for home building projects. A working knowledge of timber framing offers will allow you to integrate the structural strength this traditional method of building offers into your plans from the beginning stages of design.
We are pleased to offer an AIA Continuing Education Course at your firm for your architects, designers and any staff who would like to learn more about timber framing.
The American Institute of Architects Continuing Education System
Provider: Timber Framers Guild
Program: Timber Framing: An Age Old Craft Meets the Modern Era
Length: 1 hour
Description: Designed to answer architects' questions about timber framing, this course will introduce ways to successfully incorporate timber framing into designs and plans.
Learning Objectives: Discover what sets timber framing apart from other systems, including its benefits and differences that need to be considered. The class will also address factors affecting pricing, joinery basics, woods used, how to find a timber framer, etc. The presentation includes an extensive slide show depicting a variety of uses and designs for timber frame projects
How Taught: A professional timber frame professional will narrate this presentation. Handouts, which can be used by participants to help their clients better, understand timber framing will be available.
AN Needed: Electrical power, screen, and projector for the Power Point presentation. The provider will furnish the laptop and presentation. Provision of the projector and screen will be negotiated.
Target Audience: Architects and designers wanting to increase their understanding of timber framing as a design option for their portfolio.
Facilitator Qualifications: The facilitator is a timber frame company representative with several years experience in timber framing. TFG office staff supports the facilitator. The TFG office is available to answer or refer questions at any time.

Stephen has been presenting this AIA Timber Framing seminar for many years. His passion for the craft makes him an enthusiastic facilitator. Stephen welcomes the opportunity to visit your firm to share his experience in timber framing. A working knowledge of the basics of timber framing will expand the options you can incorporate into your designs and present to your clients.
For more information or to schedule a seminar call us at 864-647-1669 or email