Summer has kept us busy in the shop and on jobsites. We've been working with multiple species of wood:
Douglas fir, white oak, cypress, pine, as well as antique timbers (pretty much covering the gamut!)
Here's a look at some of what's been happening ~
The MoreSun Team
Click here to read our complete timber framing newsletter. Here's a sneak peek at some of the featured projects.

Timber framing vs. trimber framing: this carport is a structural timber frame

These decorative trusses are an example of trimber framing: non structural timbers

We've been busy for a while in the shop, cutting this 68' x 102' cypress barn with a loft and tower.
The tower will soar to just over 44' at the top.

Project visit

Sneak peek, more to come!
For the rest of these stories and an update on our longtime friend and
past coworker, Jeremy Sanders, click here to go to the full newsletter.